Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Rockstar and peace activist Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens) has created a new song "My People" dedicated to the people of Egypt. In Riz Khans program on Al Jazeera he talked about the role of music in the present wave of change. The song will be freely available from his website www.yusufislam....
After the negative tune of last week, naturally people were happy this week. The day that will for a long time remain unforgettable in every memory can be seen and heard in all the contributions of this week, and especially in the images shown in articles 3 and 20.  
It will probably only much later that we will understand what a pivotal role the peaceful protests in Tahrir square played for the transformation of an entire region which is still developing.  
You probably all have heard the story of Ismael Khatib, the father whose 8 year old son Ahmed Khatib was shot dead by Israeli soldiers in Jenin / Palestine because they mistook his plastic toy gun for a real gun. After there was no hope for Ahmed, father Ismael agreed to donate Ahmeds organs to...
It finally happened !! Mubarak has stepped down and cleared the way for the necessary change in the country. Nothing can parallel the emotional roller coaster ride Egypt has gone through these past weeks, but in a way events parall the fall of the Berlin Wall 1989. Watching from the distance like...
AWR latest news (edited by D.Mueller-Ehrhard,IT-consultant,Germany) Sat. Feb. 12th: By now we have found a way to reorganize work with the office still closed by people working mainly from home and abroad from The Netherlands, the U.S., Turkey and Germany. After positive developments in Egypt we...
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