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Two opinion articles written by Midhat Qīlādah, executive director of the European Coptic Union and ‘Isām 'Abd Āllah 'Iskandar, Professor of Philosophy in Ain Shams University and a member of 25th revolution secretariat. Qīlādah comments on an article written by author ‘Alā’ ‘Uraybī who wrote that...
Midhat talks about an article written by ‘Alā‘ ‘Uraybī on the myth of Jesus Christ’s life in Japan. He says that it is nothing but a myth because it would contradict the word of all four Bibles about Christ’s life on earth, the Old Testament prophecies, and his message to humanity, which is...
Midhat Qilādā laments the accusations of being a traitor that have been filed against him. He lists 16 reasons why he is seen as a Coptic traitor.
The author argues that Copts’ blood and honor are targeted by the state, as represented by the security authorities and extremists.
The Copts in Egypt are used by the authorities as a scapegoat to keep the government in office.
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