Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Shaykh Usāmah al-Qūsī, one of the biggest symbols of salafīs, talked to al-Dustūr about the possibility of a Christian being the president of Egypt.     
Former Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary candidate Majdī ‘Āshūr told al-Dustūr that he respects the group’s decision of him not representing them in parliament and that he will continue to serve the people of al-Nuzhah district as an independent member. He said that he has been under a lot of...
According to the author, the Azhar, as an official religious institution, has taken over the religious state of affairs in Egypt, which has allowed the emergence of religious entities parallel to the Azhar that reject the its monopolization of Islamic Da‘wah. The history of these associations...
Muslim Brotherhood member Magdī ‘Āshūr found his way to the Egyptian Parliament in the recent elections. The result, however, does not seem to please the outlawed group, which had decided to boycott the elections due to their alleged unfairness and falsification committed by the regime against the ...
The article says that Egypt received the lowest mark in religious freedom according to the International Religious Freedom report issued by the United States Department of State. The report criticized the government’s discrimination against Copts in particular, along with Bahā’īs and Shiites. The...
In the light of the recent “Sayyidat al-Najāh” church massacre by al-Qā‘idah in Iraq and threats made against the Egyptian church, member of the Shurá Council affiliated to al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah, Dr. Nājih Ibrāhīm, is interviewed by al-Dustūr. He said that, according to Islamic Sharī’ah, Muslims...
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