Displaying 31 - 40 of 88.
Islamic fundamentalism and the government’s passive reaction to it will give birth to a Christian version of fundamentalism. The author refers to an alleged invitation to establish a so-called “Christian Brotherhood” with its slogan “Christ is the solution” in response to the outlawed Muslim...
There is no cooperation between Christians and Muslims who live abroad. They are distant and work from a sectarian perspective.
Pope Shenouda said that omitting article two of the Constitution would not benefit the Copts.
The author reviews the achievements of Pope Shenouda in the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The writer refutes the rumor that the Orthodox Church is undergoing a crisis, and the clergy under the pope are fighting amongst themselves over who will assume the papal seat.
The abolition of the second article of the Constitution would not benefit Copts and would provoke their Muslim brothers.
The author blames some Copts for the conference they held to discuss church’s private issues. He also disagrees with some of its key recommendations.
Copts recently celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary of Pope Shenouda’s consecration as patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
The author believes that the resignation of the Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī would be a blow to Islām and its principles, especially after the Council of Ministers issued a statement declaring that Husnī’s opinions about the veil are his alone and do not reflect the Council’s opinion.
Dr Nabīl Lūqā Bibāwī accuses Coptic intellectuals who oppose the policies of Pope Shenouda III and leaders of the Coptic Orthodox Church for trying to garner fame in the media by presenting themselves as reformists of the church.


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