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The author comments on the terrorist operations that took place in Riyadh and Casablanca as well as the possibility that the Al-Qa’ida network is behind them.
The court hearings of the American demand that Abu Hamza Al-Masry be handed over to them is taking place this week in a British court. The official hearing will take place on the 23rd of July. It has been stated that the FBI filed a case against Al-Masry by using information divulged by prison...
The great rabbis of Israel objected at first to the Pope’s visit to the Holy Lands and laid down the condition that if the Pope would like to meet them during his visit he would have to meet them in the Rabbinical Headquarters.
The statements of the German bishop Karl Liman on the health condition of Pope John Paul II has broken the iron wall hiding the health condition of the old man who is 81-years old It raised discussions that were never raised in public before about the probabilities of the resignation of the Pope...
"His Holiness: Pope John Paul II and the Hidden History of our Time" is the title of the book issued by the American Carl Bernstein [and Marco Politi]. It claims that Washington and the Vatican worked closely together in the final years of the Cold War.
Pope Shenouda will not attend the Mass that Pope John Paul II will pray in the covered hall. The reason is that the rituals of the Mass are different between the Catholic and the Orthodox rites. It is expected that Pope Shenouda will send a representative to the Mass.
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