Displaying 51 - 60 of 72.
The Egyptian authorities released a significant number of the leaders of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya. Among those released was Mukhtar Hamza, the brother of Mustafa Hamza, the official of the Shura Council of the Gama’at, who was sentenced to death in absentia. Most of those released were involved in...
Egyptian State Security Prosecution investigated 100 members –including four Britons- of the banned Islamic Liberation Party. The Prosecution charged 55 of them of joining an illegal group whose aim was to overthrow the established regime. The British Embassy in Egypt demanded to be updated with...
On February 8, the Administrative Causes Court will hear a lawsuit against the Minister of the Interior and the director of the Personal Status Agency over the cancellation of the religious category on identification cards.
A new crisis almost begun in the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate when a Brotherhood member accused Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Deputy Head of the Wafd opposition party, of being the mouthpiece of the government. This took place during a seminar on political reform in Egypt held in the Journalists’...
The Egyptian Higher State Security Prosecution renewed the jail sentence of 53 members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood for a period of 15 days pending investigations into the group’s most recent cases. The authorities are still searching for three suspects wanted in relation to the case, two of...
Ten days after Egyptian authorities cracked down on a new cell of the Muslim Brotherhood in seven Egyptian governorates, the top suspect in the case, Dr. Usama Nassar, surrendered himself voluntarily to authorities.
Three runaway suspects turned themselves in to the Egyptian authorities, increasing the number of arrested Muslim Brotherhood members to fifty-eight. One Muslim Brotherhood member, Muhammad Ibrahim, has yet to be arrested. The prosecution for Higher State Security sentenced the three suspects to...
Next Saturday, the Coptic researcher, Nabil Luqa Bebawy will discuss his Ph.D thesis. titled “The Rights and Duties of Christians in Muslim Countries and How they Affect National Security.” at the headquarters of the Faculty of High Education at the Police Academy. Bebawy explained that he sought...
In an unprecedented move, Abdel Mon’em Abdel Maqsoud, lawyer of the banned Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, announced that the group has set up its first center for human rights, called Sawasiya [Equality] Center for Human Rights and Against Torture.
Asharq Al-Awsat received news that Al-Wafd and the Brotherhood decided to form a joint committee to examine a number of issues of mutual interests to both. Sources from the Brotherhood and Al-Wafd denied the possibility of forming a parliamentary alliance between Al-Wafd and the Brotherhood.


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