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The author discusses the different notions of ‘ridda’ and ideas of the punishment of the apostate as they appear in the Holy Qur’ān and the hadīths.
Whoever wants to get acquainted with the sources of terror will have to delve deep into our heritage. Without directly examining the very roots of our way of thinking, one can never eradicate the paralysis of the intellect.
The hijāb is one of the best-known Muslim practices and the uncontested hallmark of Muslim women, which should prompt us to reconsider it on the grounds that it is a symbol of social identity and marks the women who wear it as belonging to a certain category.
The Congressional Committee on Religious Freedom added Egyp again to the list of states monitored for violations against religious freedoms. The violations against Egyptian Muslim and Christian minorities triggered the American concerns and thus actions.
Unfortunately, centuries have gone by while we are still twisting the texts to justify rulers’ continuity in power, instead of pursuing an open-minded track of interacting with modern science.
Most Egyptian parties suffer from political anemia, which means they lack popular support and always need political blood transfusion operations form the major parties. Otherwise, they will search for foreign financial and political backing.
The unprecedented move that the President surprised us with puts us in an utterly bewildering position. It is a question of whether or not the political parties representing the people will grasp the political situation that ensued from the July revolution.
Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār said, “Whoever says that the tsunami is a natural disaster is a kafir.” I say that it is 100 percent a natural disaster and it is not a punishment from God. Am I really an apostate?! Is my knowledge that I gained from God a reason for rendering me an apostate?
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