Displaying 11 - 20 of 44.
In an interview, Egyptian writer Muhsin Muhammad defends Rose al-Yūsuf against the Takfīr thesis that he considers to be null and void. Muhammad denounces the lack of liberty in Egyptian reality and foretells the coming of liberalism against the religious current.
A group of Azhar scholars declare their opinions on the Azhar researcher’s thesis that deemed Rose al-Yūsuf Kāfir. All scholars denounced the Takfīr; however some approved the negative stance on the periodical.
The article discusses the issue of church funds and the sources from which they are obtained, amidst calls to transparently declare the budget on the grounds that church money is in the first place owned by Coptic citizens.
A celebration for the children of Muslim Brotherhood-owned nurseries in Kafr al-Shaykh and al-Bihīra governorates has provoked angry reactions from attendees.
The article discusses the character of Ayman al-Zawāhirī, the second leader of al- Qā‘idah and the private doctor of Usāmah Bin Lādin.
The Coptic community wonders who will succeed Pope Shenouda after illness strikes him? Although regulations stipulating the transfer of church power will give bishops, monks and priests the opportunity to stand for elections, elections are now confined only to general bishops.
The author discusses reports about the Pope’s recent illness which has led to great anxiety amongst Christians.
Awqāt al-Farāgh [Free time], a movie starring a group of youngsters in their early twenties, reflects the struggle of Egyptian teenagers with their religious and social beliefs. The 19- year-old scriptwriter of the movie, ‘Umar Jamāl, discussed the issue of the hijāb among Egyptian young girls...
The increasing phenomenon of the deposition of Orthodox priests has caused great controversy within the Coptic Orthodox Church.
The Islamic singing business and its gains that reached twelve million Egyptian pounds. Islamic sources asserted that Islamic singing began thirty years ago and it was allowed according to certain conditions.


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