Displaying 31 - 40 of 44.
The suspension of a parish priest by the Archbishopric of J īza has caused controversy in the church. His reason for suspending Father Filop āt īr are unclear, but according to Filop āt īr himself, he was suspended for joining the Ghad party.
The Evangelical church in Sanabu and the Council of Evangelical Churches of Mallawi dispute a piece of land that a Christian donated to the church in Sanabu in 1900. The pastor of the Sanabu church was removed from his post because he did not listen to the requests of the council concerning the...
The author of this article quotes several people, the conglomoration of which reveals that the secular-based Coptic council, al-Majlis al-Mīllī, is very important and provides much assistance to the Copts and the Church, but that it also currently has many weaknesses which must be sorted through.
The author investigates why many Coptic young men are postponing marriage and examines their fears about divorce, which is not allowed in Orthodox circles, except in a few, rare cases.
The Muslim Brotherhood is arranging a dialogue session with Alexandria’s Copts, scheduled on Thursday at the Egyptian Center for Media and Cultural Development, Alexandria.
The calls to revive the Coptic language are opposed by those who fear that this may cause the total social isolation of the Copts inside Egyptian society.
In an interview with Rose al-Yousuf, editor-in-chief of al-Katība al-Tībīya (the Theban legion) and Pastor of the Virgin Mary and Pope Kyrillos Church, Father Mityās Nasr Mankarius speaks out on the aims of the controversial magazine.
Father Filopātīr Jamīl was investigated over articles he wrote in the Theban Legion newspaper, as a result of which, he has been suspended for two years.
Bahā’īs are prohibited from joining political parties, running in any elections and partaking in any political activities lest this should open a can of worms with the national various political and religious powers.
The head of the Coptic church has made public statements about the political representation quota system, which Copts have rejected, fearing an increase in sectarian tensions and arguing that the quota system runs counter to the principle of citizenship.


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