Displaying 1 - 10 of 21.
The French press has been speaking recently about a documentary by an Egyptian-descent French director about the apparition of the Virgin Mary.  
A reputable newspaper splashed a headline that read “makwagī burns shirt, sparks fitnah that left 12 injured”. Any reader of this news story that took place in the village of Dahshūr, Giza, would understand that the Christian makwagī (man ironing clothes in a shop for a living in Egypt) was the one...
Muhammad Salmāwī reports on the book fair in Geneva where Egypt was the guest of honor.
Clerics in Egypt and in Arab and Islamic countries spare no efforts to deliver innovative Fatwás that aim at modernizing religious thought and proving that Islam is the religion of progress and is in line with modernity.
Muhammad Salmāwī cites his conversation with Najīb Mahfūz regarding the publication of his novel ’ Awlād Hāratinā.’
Muhammad Salmāwī writes about the widely controversial novel ‘Terrorist.’ In this novel the author digs deep into the psyche of an American Muslim of Egyptian origins and his transformation into a potential terrorist.
The West shares responsibility for reviving the religious trend in the Arabic region in the 1990s and for the religious groups’ resorting to violence as a means of expressing themselves. What is meant is not the indirect responsibility of the American policy, which is prejudiced towards Israel...
The author refuted what V.S. Naipaul said about Islam being a disaster for Asia as it wiped out all the public cultures of the countries it conquered. He gave Egypt and Spain as examples of the fact that Islam did not wipe out the cultures of the countries it conquered but interacted with them. He...
The author is of the opinion that the reasons for the assaults on Muslims and Arabs after the attacks in the USA are to be found in the inability of Americans, whose views seem to be deeply effected by the American media, which tends to superficialize matters and look for excitement, to face the...
The author notes that the West saw both the power and the dark side of the Muslim reactions to the Danish cartoons. He pleas that Muslims check their reactions next time, lest their negative image in Westerners’ eyes become even more solidified.


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