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“Glorious Appearing” is one of the best-selling books today in America. The book is about the last days and the Second Coming of Christ. The novel portrays Christ as a cruel man who seeks revenge on non-Christians. When Christ raises his right hand, all non-Christians gather before him and then...
The 2006 international religious freedom report released by the U.S. State Department indicated that the Egyptian constitution provides for freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites, but the government places restrictions on them.
The author of the article reports on a poll conducted by the AUC’s Adham Center for Electronic Journalism gauging Arab journalists’ views on current events.
A total of 330 searches were made on the google search engine, 170 on yahoo, and a few others on less famous search engines, seeking to know whether or not the rumor about Bill Gates’ conversion to Islam was true.
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