Displaying 131 - 140 of 171.
The British scholar and researcher Montgomery Watt sees that the merits and characteristics of Islam, the Messenger of Islam and the Holy Qur’an give Islam its unique status in comparison with other religions. The Qur’an is unequaled because it is the direct divine revelation that was not ever...
All the studies that were published in Al-Akhbar about the religious wars confirmed that all heavenly religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, are innocent of any belligerence and war tendencies. The articles explained that the vices of those religions are elements of their “heritage,” and are...
Today we finish this series of studies on the three heavenly [monotheistic] religions and how they forbid wars, violence, terrorism and oppression. Judaism as revealed by God is free of violence and fighting [The author implicitly suggest that modern Judaism is corrupted]. Christianity came as a...
Islamic jihād was behind the liberation of the East after 10 centuries of Byzantine, Greek, and Roman tyranny. It then turned the East from the heart of Christianity tothe heart of Islam. This led to Western Christianity’s jealousy, and triggered the crusades. Thus, Latin settlements were implanted...
A French magazine raised the question of whether Tareq Ramadan is an angel or a devil.
In the first meeting between Islam and Christianity, when Prophet Muhammad received a delegation of Nagran Christians in al-Madīna al-Munawara in the 10th Hijrī year, Islam’s respect for Christians’ sanctuaries was clear especially in how to deal with members of other faiths. - See art. 5:...
The U.S. and several Western political, ideological, media-related and religious entities, declared war on Islam following September 11. This war on Islam, under the leadership of the United States, did not occur without historical precedence.
With the West’s incessant attempts to dominate Jerusalem and Palestine to serve as a basis in the East, the Eastern Orthodox churches have since the beginning adopted a fair and honorable position as far as this issue is concerned.
The Islamic chivalry has liberated Jerusalem and Palestine from the invaders and kept the holy city – under the tolerance of Islam – open to all people of other religions as declared by Salah El-Din (1137-1193) in his message to King Richard I “the Lion-Hearted” (1157- 1199) of England.
A Christian wife, Qatqouta, found out that her husband, a lawyer, is married to someone else. She filed a lawsuit to request the cancellation of her marriage for it no longer complies with precepts of the Christianity that forbids polygamy.


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