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The press review deals with the charges directed against the Middle East Christians Association.
The press continues its investigations into the case of Muḥammad Aḥmad Ḥijāzī, an Egyptian citizen who has converted to Christianity. He has filed the first ever lawsuit to formally prove that he has become a Christian by changing his ID and other official papers. A broad range of opinions and...
Muḥammad Aḥmad Ḥijāzī, an Egyptian citizen who converted to Christianity has filed a case to officially prove his Christian status under Egyptian law. In the first case of its kind in Egypt, Ḥijāzī is attempting to formally change his identity card and other official papers.
These are titles of articles published in Arabic press concerning the controversial issue of banning the Ḥijāb in French schools and public institutions.
In comparison to the previous weeks, few writers still pay attention to the issue of eliminating wearing the Ḥijāb in French schools and public institutions. Here you can find the titles of articles that occupied the Arabic press concerning the controversial issue of Ḥijāb in France.
The issue of banning the Ḥijāb as well as other religious symbols at French schools and public institutions are still occupying the Arabic press. The article gives a list of the articles published on this subject.
For four concessive weeks, the issue of prohibiting wearing the hijab in French schools occupied the Arabic press. Tens of articles have been published as to elucidate Chirac’s decision from different aspects. On the one hand, few writers believe such decision is a French domestic subject that...
Most of the Egyptian papers and magazines devoted full pages to congratulate Christians on Christmas. Christian and Muslim writers believe that January 7 is considered a vivid exampleof Egyptian national unity.
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