Displaying 1 - 10 of 121.
President Muḥammad Mursī sent a congratulatory cable to Pope Tawāḍrus on the occasion, wishing him success in his new position for the sake of unifying the ranks of the Egyptian people. 
The current Shūrá Council was elected in February 2012 with a turnout that was lower than 15 per cent and yielded an Islamist majority of 84 per cent of elected seats. The list of the newly appointed members includes a diverse number of Christians, some have been listed under ‘The Christian...
This article discusses the information leaked about the travel of ‘Umar Harīdī, secretary of the Constitutional and Legislative Committee in the National Democratic Party, to negotiate with them for nominating some of them in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
أكد بيشوي البسيط، مدير مركز تأريخ الكنيسة، انه بصدد اصدار بيان يطالب فيه الكنيسة المصرية بتنفيذ تعاليم الكتاب المقدس في ارتداء المسيحيات للحجاب. واكد البسيط ان هناك اسقفا في الصعيد بدأ بالفعل في تطبيق هذه التعاليم على شعب كنائس اسقفيته وان النساء المسيحيات بدأن الاستجابة والاقتناع بهذه المطالبات....
The article reports on the call of an independent member of parliament for the prosecution of Najlā’ al-Imām, the Christianized Egyptian lawyer, and his attack on the al-Sīdāw agreement.
The author highlights Bishop Bīshūy’s sermon in which he called on Jews to believe in Christ and renews his attack on ‘Azāzīl’s author.
Al-Usbūc writes about Christianity’s stance concerning the definition of death and the idea of organ transplants.
A Christian man has killed his Muslim brother-in-law in al-Amīrīyah. At the funeral Muslims shouted negative slogans about Copts and Coptic intellectuals now fear an outbreak of violence in response to the death.
The journalist Hamdī Rizq has stated that the participation of two Israeli researchers in the recent Coptic affairs conference violates Pope Shenouda’s stance toward the Palestinian people.
Four years after Wafā’ Qistantīn’s conversion to Islam provoked widespread demonstrations the issue has returned to the fore following Dr Zaghlūl al-Najjār’s statements that she has been murdered.


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