Displaying 11 - 20 of 23.
The article sheds light on the different Christian groups in the Arab world to see which group can play the role of a cultural bridge between Islam and the West. It concludes that the Protestant denomination is the group that can play such a role.
The article sheds light on the Christian religious map in America. The author believes that the most powerful church in America is the Protestant Church and that some of the many groups belonging to it can play an important role concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Sudanese civil war.
The brutal practices of Israel against the Palestinians and America´s blessing of such practices cannot be understood without a careful examination of the situation of the three revealed religions in the USA and in the Arab world. Such an examination is needed to be able to start a dialogue...
The article looks at the different religious groups in America and discusses the possibility of initiating a global dialogue among moderate religious people. The author´s main purpose of the article is to encourage concerned bodies in the Arab and Islamic world to build bridges for a civilized...
The Islamic Scientific, Educational, Social and Cultural Organization [ISESCO] organized a seminar in Rabat to discuss the Image of the Islamic world in the Western Media. The general attitude of the seminar was very positive, as it did not concentrate on self-defense. The Egyptian Ministry of...
Egypt is now experiencing a stage of cultural "healthiness" and religious fanaticism has started to fade away.
The author believes that American missionary activities in the Arab-Islamic world are more dangerous than Huntington’s theory concerning the clashes between civilizations. He believes that to avoid problems between the Islamic world and Christianity because of such activities, it is better to adopt...
The president of the Arab League realized that the problems Arabs and Muslims face in America after the September 11 attacks are not to be solved through policy and diplomacy as the root of these problems is cultural and intellectual. That was why the Arab League called for holding a conference to...
There is a relationship of a special kind between the nation and the Copts. That relationship was represented in individual Copts who were rich or highly educated who had special relationships with the governor. The author is of the opinion that if a group of Muslim and Christian wise men is formed...
The author describes the late bishop Athanasius as being a true patriotic and tolerant man. Hanna says that thanks to the wisdom of bishop Athanasius his bishopric did not witness fanaticism and extremism in 38 years. The bishop established many centers for serving and developing society. These...


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