Displaying 1 - 10 of 23.
Ruways Morcos, General Deputy of the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral and official spokesperson for the Church in Alexandria, said that the travel ban to Jerusalem for Orthodox Copts was a decision of the Holy Synod is the highest authority in the church. 
Today, millions of Copts are celebrating Palm Sunday. This tradition owes its origins with the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, carrying palm leaves and flowers. Copts go to the streets on this day, carrying palm leaves and flowers and children go to the streets, playing in joy. This day is...
There has been peaceful coexistence between religions in Egypt for a long time.
Dr. Milad Hanna, one of Egypt’s most prominent Christians, author of many books on Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt and columnist in Al-Ahram, is very dismayed about the proposed American religious freedom law. In an article in Al-Ahram of July 22 he writes that there are sectarian clashes which...
The author believes that the culture of national unity is outdated and Egypt should look forward to a superior culture of “national fusion” so that national affiliation would become superior to religious affiliation.
After the attacks of September 11, a kind of polarization happened with the followers of the three heavenly religions. Moderates from the three religions can unite and form a religious coalition. The current war will not be able to put an end to terrorism. Accordingly, there should be an...
There are two different types of terrorism, the one of Bin Lādin that depends on terrorizing people and targeting them with violence all across the globe, and the other of George Bush which plays on the chords of fear depending on the notion of constructive anarchism.
The head of the General Convention of the Church of God wrote to the author correcting the information he mentioned about the church. The former vice president also wrote to him about a vision of Egypt officially commemorating Coptic martyrs who struggled against the Byzantines before Islam.
The article gives an outline of the Christian Orthodox groups in the Arab world to see which of them can bridge the gap between Islam and the West. In contrast to the Church of Alexandria and Africa of the Greek Orthodox, the Church of Antioch of Syrian Orthodox can be effective in that respect due...
The head of the Episcopal Church in Egypt and North Africa says that Arab Christians should give the West a true picture of their societies. Presbyterian Rev. Makram Naguib points out that because of the strong relations between the Presbyterian churches in Egypt and America, the latter supports...


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