Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Sayyid Yasīn from al-Hayāt Newspaper argues that the Muslim Brothers are currently using interpretations of Islamic texts that are very similar to those used by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ). Yasīn believes that “radicals such as the EIJ and the MB are influenced by classic books that are very...
The author discusses the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the ruling political system from the Brotherhood’s establishment in 1928 until now.
al-Sayyid Yāsīn discusses the impact of what he calls the ‘jurisprudence of backwardness’ on the features of every-day life of Islamic societies. He believes that the impact of such narrow-mindedness in applying the Islamic Sharī‘ah affected almost all socio-political, economic and cultural aspects...
The article discusses how true the opinions of the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad regarding Jews are and the significance of Western criticism of these opinions.
At the beginning of 21st century, globalization, to many people, is a highly worrying phenomenon, whose effect is being felt throughout the entire world. The author examines the link between identity politics and terrorism.
One of the most serious problems facing Arab nations is the imaginary Islamic identity, namely the inclination of some political Islam groups to invent an Islamic identity which they want to see replacing the Arab, or even the moderate Islamic, one.
The author presented a draft statement for dialogue between Egyptian and American cultured people. A Christian pastor asked whether cultured people [educated, belonging to a higher social class] belonging to the Islamic movement agree to sign the proposed statement while they reject dialogue. The...
After September 11, questions on the role of religion in forming the attitudes of people and whether religion is a problem or part of the solution to many problems were raise, especially as the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks said that the attacks were part of their holy war. American...
The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization stressed a pressing need for intercultural dialogue so that each and every party may offer its concepts and images about each other. It noted that before the West criticized the Arabs for their political, economic or cultural...
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