Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
In July 2024, the Arab-West Foundation was elected Head of the Dutch Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. They organized their first Dutch network meeting on November 25th where, among other things, they spoke about the need to contribute to peace-building in the Middle East. This applies first of...
The bloodbath Hamas created on October 7, 2023, generated much disgust at their heinous crime and consequent support for the state of Israel, despite the fact that Israel is ruled by the most right-wing government in its history with members of the cabinet who do not hide their belief that...
Fr. Emilio Platti (1943-2021) sadly suddenly passed away on October 25, 2021. Dutch Arabist and journalist Eildert Mulder decided to honor his memory through a book review of his latest book De Koran herontdekt, Averbode: Uitgeverij Averbode|‌Erasme N.V, 2020, 96 pages.[1] Platti’s book describes...
The Arab-West Report newsletter about the analysis of Dr. John Mearsheimer led to several angry responses. Mearsheimer puts the blame for the war on NATO. This should not be explained as an approval for the Russian war on Ukraine. Dutch physicist Dr. Evert du Marchie and Dutch Arabist and...
Last year anthropologist Erica Canova explored the impact of honor and shame in Egyptian culture, you can find her full article here. Of course, there are large differences between a large city as Cairo and the countryside and between people of different levels of education and regions. The sad...
Eildert Mulder takes issue with Janneke Stegeman’s claim of “the myth of religiously motivated violence.” Of course, there is more than only religiously motivated violence, but Islamic extremists have demonstrated that Islamic inspired violence exists, however much this is despised by the great...
Publisher: Uitgeverij Meinema, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (2009) Translator: Sandra Heijden Editor: Alexander Wamboldt The preface to Eildert Mulder and Thomas Milo’s 2009 book ’The Contested Sources of Islam’, where the authors introduce the four German revisionist historians whose theories...
This is a translation of an article about the work of the Center for Arab-West Understanding from the Dutch daily newspaper Trouw. Editor AWR: This article is very sharp. Senior editor Eildert Mulder has used formulations that Hulsman would never have used, but this is related to Mulder’s own...
AWR participation in conferences and discussions on the Danish cartoons. Articles and reports on the Danish cartoons.
[The article of Muhammad Shebl in October, September 15, resulted in an article in the Dutch Daily Trouw] While Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch political scientist of Somali origin, received death threats because of her untraditional convictions about Islam, Egyptians discuss freedom of religion. This is...


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