Displaying 11 - 20 of 26.
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II and other clergymen met with the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, at Saint Mark Cathedral yesterday (June 17). During the hour and a quarter long meeting they discussed recent developments in Egyptian affairs, including Coptic rights. Pope Tawadros raised...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II returned to Cairo yesterday evening (June 4, 2013) following a pastoral trip to Austria. Papal sources stated that President Muhammad Mursi (Mursī) is scheduled to meet with Pope Tawadros to discuss the Renaissance Dam crisis, before meeting with the Ethiopian...
In response to Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II's visit to the Vatican, Vatican Pope Francis I asked for a resumption of dialogue with the Azhar which has stalled for more that seven years in a protest against statements made by former Vatican Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 linking Islam with violence....
The Minister of Interior, Muhammad Ibrāhīm Yūsuf, warned of a catastrophe in front of the Cathedral in al-‘Abbāsīyyah should a planned funeral march to commemorate the victims of al-Khusūs clashes. The march, planned for May 24, would start at al-‘Abbāsīyyah and end in Maspero. Yūsuf cautioned...
Ramsīs al-Najjār, the Church's legal adviser, said Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II visited to Vatican to renew relations between the two Churches. Pope Tawadros will also discuss solutions to restore the relationship between the Azhar and Vatican, which has been tense since late Vatican Pope...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II left Cairo yesterday (May 9, 2013) for Rome to visit the Vatican Pope Francis I for the first time. The purpose of Pope Tawadros' visit is to improve relations between the Vatican and Coptic Orthodox Church. Pope Tawadros also believes that the Coptic problems in...
Bahā’ Ramzī, chair of the Association, said that the memo includes full details of the Christian family who was arrested for trumped-up charges. Family members who were arrested are Zakī Andrawus, his wife Su’ād Akhnūkh and Zakī’s nephew Peter. They renewed their custody for 15 days in al-Minya...
Bahā’ Ramzī, chair of the Association, said that the memo includes full details of the Christian family who was arrested for trumped-up charges. Family members who were arrested are Zakī Andrawus, his wife Su’ād Akhnūkh and Zakī’s nephew Peter. They renewed their custody for 15 days in al-Minya...
According to a security source, all of the suspects -- Samīr Iskandar, Najlā' Najīb, and Nisīm Fārūq, surrendered to the police in Qalyubia Security Department. Two brothers of the Iskandar family had already been arrested for suspected involvement in the events. Investigations have already...
Coptic demonstrators demand from the church to be implemented with the Islamic law (Sharī'ah) in the law of personal state. The new law deprives thousands of Copts of a civilian divorce and pushes them to “convert to Islam” if they really want to get divorced. Meanwhile the leaders of the three...


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