Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Security sources and eyewitnesses said a state of lull is dominating the city amidst intensive security presence all over after Copts came under a shooting attack.
A Jihadist group has issued a statement threatening attacks on churches, political liberals and the Egyptian Army. In an internet statement a masked spokesperson, who identified himself as the leader of the group al-Takfīr wal-Hijrah for Egypt, threatened to use car bombs and booby traps to attack...
Sectarian incidents flared in number of Governorates yesterday (Apr. 26). A businessman and his son were kidnapped at gunpoint and are still missing. Security sources say that the kidnapping of businessman Jamāl ‘Ayyād, is not related in any way to the extremist groups which threatened several...
Some youth lied in wait in a mosque for a worker from Ismailia governorate and stabbed him with big knives until he was dead during the "taraweeh prayer."
The Supreme Emergency Court of the State Security in al-Ismā‘īlīyah extend the detention of the accused of terrorist bombing in Sinai and Sharm al-Shaykh of 2005 and 2006.
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