Displaying 1 - 10 of 28.
Field Marshal Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī has visited the St. Mark’s cathedral in Abāssiyah and congratulated Pope Tawadros on the Holy Day of Resurrection. Not earlier a presidential candidate with excellent changes to become Egypt’s next president paid a pope such a visit for Easter (Nassir Abd-al...
Copts are making about 5% of an Egyptian population of 81 million, which is growing by 4500 souls daily, said Abū Bakr al-Jindī, the president of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). CAPMAS works in accordance with the rules of the global statistics community and...
'Abd al-Masīh Basīt, priest of the Virgin Mary Church in Musturud, asserts that Wafā’ Constantine declared herself Christian and that returning to her home would have threatened her life and stirred up sectarian tensions. She lives in a safe place affiliated to a monastery. Security forces are...
Father 'Abd al-Masīh and Salīb Mattá Sawīris, member of the Coptic Orthodox Community Council, states that Copts are not revolutionist. However their stance on the July Revolution is difficult to understand. Most Coptic thinkers and writers and even ordinary Copts carry hostile feelings towards the...
Al-Wafd reporter Majdī Salāmah carried out an experiment to see whether the additional security forces assigned to protect churches are sufficient. He decided to act suspicious around a number of churches and see what would happen. He carried a black bag, which he claims are infamous for carrying...
Majdī says that if you look closely, it is clear that someone was behind last Wednesday’s ‘Umrāniyyah riots, arguing that it is more than a coincidence that 400 armed Copts from different governorates turned up to protest. Father Mīnā Zarīf told the press that it is highly likely that someone used...
Majdī says although last Wednesday’s ‘Umrāniyyah riots are considered by many Coptic activists to be fitnah tā’ifīyah, several eye witnesses testified otherwise. One man says that the event was a dispute over a building and has nothing to do with religion. One of the builders at the site, a Muslim...
Majdī talks about last Wednesday’s ‘Umrāniyyah riots, which he says qualify as a revolution. He says even though many experts have been interviewed about the incident on talk shows, many questions remain unanswered, such as whether the incident qualifies as a fitnah tā’ifīyah. Key Words: ‘...
Majdī says that the nation goes through three basic citizenship tests during elections. The first of these tests pertains to the way candidates are selected. He says that the NDP failed miserably by selecting only ten Coptic candidates out of its eight hundred, while all opposing parties and the...
Different people come up with what they consider different solutions for sectarian tensions in Egypt, says Majdī. He explains that the most important of these is the proposal to pass laws to confront sectarianism. He says the irony is that in the Egyptian penal code there are four articles that can...


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