Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Fathī Mahmūd sheds light on disputes within the Shī‘ah in Lebanon, which have been revealed in the aftermath of the Israeli aggression.
Al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī interviews the owner of al-Dār al -‘Arabīyah Li-al-‘Ulūm[Reviewer: The Arab publishing house for sciences], who is also the Lebanese publisher of Dan Brown’s best selling book, ’The Da Vinci Code.’
Fathī Mahmoud discusses the sectarian fitna in Iraq, stating that in an attempt to ensure such violence does not spread to Lebanon’s Sunni and Shi’ite communities, the Islamic authorities there have called for unity.
The article is an interview with one of the leaders of the Unified Islamic Front that includes Sunni and Shiite leaders. He speaks about the relations between Sunnis and Shiites and the activities of the front.
Muhammad ‘Afīfī, the advisor for Hizbullah Secretary General Hasan Nasr Allāh, discusses in an interview the responsibility of the United States for all the tension in the Middle East region, arguing that the U.S. administration would allow a number of Islamist groups to power as long as they do...
The Arab and foreign media were shocked by the Iranian Shura Council’s approval of a draft of a new law that gives equal portions of inheritance to men and women. Shi’ite scholars in Egypt, Lebanon, and other Arab countries confirmed that the new proposed law concerns only inheritance cases where...
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