Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Ibrāhīm Tāj al-Dīn comments on sectarian fitnah in Egypt and such ideas are promoted.
Ibrāhīm Tāj al-Dīn Yāsīn reviews a recent book about Christian fundamentalism in the U.S. entitled, ‘Muqadimah fi al-Usūliyah al-Masīhiyah fi America was al-Ra’īs allazī Istad‘āhu Allāh…wa Intakhabhu al-Sha‘b al-Amrikī Maratayn’ [Introduction to Christian Fundamentalism and the President sent by...
Ibrāhīm Tāj al-Dīn Yāsīn attempts to create a new terminology for the religious state.
Islam is a religion and a state and the two cannot and should not be separated. Separating religion from the political and social system is, in Yāsīn’s opinion, equivalent to rejecting Islām and Islamic doctrine. The Islamic political system is based on religion.
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