Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
Ibrāhīm Si'dah says that terrorists justify their violence by saying that they are protecting Islam. He wonders how this is when there is civil war in Iraq where Sunnah and Shī‘ah Muslims are fighting with each other. His article comes in light of the October 31 attacks on the Our Lady of Salvation...
Ibrāhīm Si‘dah illustrates the dangers of misunderstanding religious instruction, claiming that misinterpretation can easily result in the reduction of a religion to devilish propaganda. He references the work The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington, saying that Western powers benefit from...
Si‘dah says that the Sayyidat al-Najāh Church massacre in Iraq is receiving a good deal of media coverage for many reasons. He talks about a specific article posted on the Middle East Transparent website by Dr. Iqbāl al-Gharbī, who claims that Middle Eastern Christians are victims for being...
The article discusses the existence of Islamic extremists in the West.  
Writer Ibrāhīm Sa‘ah praises al-Fajr for its article on Shaykh al-Badrī’s ruqaīyah describing it as a major scoop that reveals his other personality which most people ignore.
The article is the story of a Tunisian expatriate in Switzerland who wanted to prevent his sons from swimming at school according to a fatwá he issued. The Swiss Juridical system denied him this right.
The author of the article presents a contrasting image to the tolerance of the Muslims in Switzerland which he talked about in a previous article.
The author talks about two images of Islam in Switzerland: a good one and a bad one. This article discusses the good one.
In recent years Muslims and Islam have received a lot of negative press, Ibrāhīm Si‘dah suggests why this may be.
Islam is Islam Society in Britain launches a media campaign to confront wrong concepts about Islam and Muslims.


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