Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Two AWR interns traveled to Alexandria to find out more about the Anna Lindh foundation and how it functions.
An Arab-West Report intern writes about the history and programs of the Salaam Centre for Medico-Social Services in Ezbet al-Nakhl district of Cairo. This center was formed and is run by a cooperation between Catholic and Coptic nuns.
A delegation of Arab-West Report interns visit the Al-Shafia Center of the Korean Evangelical Church to attend a seminar on the history of the Coptic Church and a lecture on Muslim-Christian relations and report on their perceptions.
Two Arab-West Report interns report on a Sūfī dancing performance by the Al Tannoura dance troupe at the Wikala of Al Ghouri in Cairo.
The ownership of the Greek Orthodox Church in Rosetta has caused considerable conflict and anger amongst the different parties involved; local residents, the Greek Orthodox Church as well as the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Can issues that challenge the church’s property leave the church and its religious leaders untouched?This article looks at two cases; one in Egypt and the other in Denmark to attempt to answer the question.
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