Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The Maspero Youth Union (MYU) announced a stand of protest on the outside the Syndicate of Journalists headquarters under the rubric No For Devastation Of the State Of Law to condemn excesses against the local residents in al-‘Āmirīyah, western Alexandria, and calls to expel 45 Christian families...
 The Evangelical Church calls for an urgent meeting to confirm dissatisfaction with all Christian denominations when it comes to a Qur'ān burning campaign  
The article talks about a commission headed by Azhar Grand Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyib that will coordinate with Egyptian churches on making a joint response to the United States religious freedom report, which claims there to be religious discrimination in Egypt. The commission is said to include...
Questions regarding the relationship between ecclesial and civil marriage were once again raised after the courts ruled in favor of Majdī Walīm, allowing him to sue Pope Shenouda III for refusing to grant him the right to remarry. A Coptic woman is in the process of collecting 100 signatures of...
The decision to shut down the “al-Haqīqah” satellite channel and ban Zakariyyā Butrus from appearing on all Coptic satellite channels was welcomed by various leading Coptic figures as part of the “stand against offending religions.” Butrus is believed to have resigned from the church after being...
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