Displaying 21 - 30 of 90.
The Supreme State Security Prosecution started questioning Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh, better known as Abū Islām, the owner of al-Omma (Nation) TV station, over reports lodged against him by lawyers Hāmid Hassan and Nāsir al-‘Asqalānī, members of the Egyptian Bar Association, that he was involved in...
Bishop Angaelos [Anjilūs], the Pope’s secretary for the Coptic Orthodox dioceses of the USA, returned to Egypt this week and met Pope Tawāḍrūs II yesterday to discuss the demands of the priests and the congregation of t Northern Shubra, Cairo, which he supervised before he was appointed secretary...
A conference organized by the General Coptic Agency and Copts United has been held. In the conference Dr. Kamāl Zākhīr requested a secular state that is built on the principle of citizenship.  Dr. Rif’at al-Sa’īd, head of the Tagammu’ Party, assured that he who calls the Christians infidels due to...
In conjunction with the weekly lecture that Pope Tawadros gave, a number of Coptic activists organized a silent stand with a few banners requesting Bishop Jeremiah to return to the monastery. This is due to his statements in which he rejected the amendment of Article 3 to state “non-Muslims” rather...
Pope Tawadros has not discussed politics at all in his weekly lecture. The Pope met with Dr. Mahmūd Abū al-Nasr, Minister of Education; Dr. Ramzī Estino, the Scientific Research Minister; and Dr. ‘Issām Hijjy, the advisor to the president for scientific research. The Church had banned the new...
Bishop Bola stated that the armed forces has ordered the renovation and rebuilding of 63 churches despite that the Church has submitted a list of 54 churches only. He added that the most stringent of people support the removal of Article 219 as it is discriminatory, and that he agreed to amend...
Pope Tawadros fulfilled an earlier promise of communicating with youth and responding to their questions and problems.
In the midst of the Copts’ sorrow about the losses of those killed by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood since the ouster of Muhammad Mursī on June 3, with nearly 80 churches attacked and destroyed, the Coptic Orthodox Church has began celebrations of Nairūz yesterday. The Church commemorated its...
The body of Muhammad, the fifth victim in the al-Warrāq Church incident was buried yesterday. He was attending his friend’s wedding with his mother in the church when the attack took place (Peter Majdī, al-Tahrīr, Oct. 26, p. 2). Read original text in Arabic. 
The attack has left four citizens dead. There are suspicions that it might be the Muslim Brotherhood, especially because the leaders of the Rāba’ah sit-in did not hesitate to threaten the Copts in reprisal for their participation in protests on June 30 (Peter Majdī, al-Tahrīr, Oct. 22, p. 5). Read...


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