Displaying 71 - 80 of 90.
The Middle East association of human right in Switzerland and The European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights (EUCOHR) presented a file to Elmer Brok, President of the European Parliament Committee on International Affairs. The file includes details of the disappearance of eleven...
Pope Tawadros also met with Cardinal Kurt Koch of the Roman Catholic Church, and president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, who said that the meeting was a huge step forward in achieving unity with Eastern and Orthodox churches (Peter Majdī, al-Tahrīr, May 11, p. 6). Read...
The European Parliament was handed a report on the disappearance and forcible conversion of Coptic girls by the the Coptic Organisations Union in Europe. Midhat Qilādah, head of the Union, said that some of the most important members of the European Parliament had answered that this (the abduction...
On Monday morning, Apr. 15, the families of the victims of al-Khusūs and Saint Mark's Cathedral met Pope Tawadros at the cathedral. Far away from any cameras or journalists, the Pope offered his condolences to each of the families. According to ‘Abd al-Mu’iz ‘Atīyah, the brother of one of the...
Pope Tawadros had called each who came and offered their condolences and did not mention President Morsi in his thanking words. The Pope said, “We thank all our brothers in the nation who shared with us their good feelings and offered their sincere emotions whether with telephone calls, messages or...
Archpriest Sergius said that the Pope will receive al-Khusūs and cathedral victims’ families as soon as his arrival to console them (Yūsuf Sha’bān and Peter Majdī, al-Tahrīr, Apr. 14, p. 13). Read original text in Arabic.
Bishop Mūsá of Youth has held up the Muslims of Khusūs who defended the church from rampaging gangs as showing the true meaning or religion to deviants who abuse it. These comments were made as security and religious leaders met with established families of Khusūs to account faults and demand the...
The international organization Human Rights Watch has requested that the government follow up on recent sectarian violence and commission an investigation into human rights abuses. The organization stated that the government was indirectly responsible for the events in al-Khusūs and for police...
Al-Milī (Lay) Council issued a strong statement in which they mentioned a number of violent incidents targeting Christians. The statement read that they will not forget the martyrs of all the sectarian incidents, including those at Atfīh, Maspero, Imbāba, Dahshūr and the most recent one at al-...
Morsi had sent three of his vice presidents to the Cathedral to calm things down and to carry the above-mentioned message. However, Dr. Pākīnām al-Sharqāwī, Dr. Ayman ‘Alī, and Dr. ‘Imād ‘Abd al-Ghaffūr came out from the meeting with nothing. They even asked the Church officials not to make any...


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