Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Early unofficial poll results of Egyptians abroad have shown that al- Sīsī is succeeding with a landslide. According to the campaign of al- Sīsī, he is winning with more than 85% so far in New Zealand and three electoral districts in Australia. 
The former chairman of the Egyptian State Security Court, ‘Amr ‘Abd al-Rāziq, sent a request to Great Britain to pursue the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian Copts rejected the draft bill aiming at protecting rights of religious minorities in Egypt and Middle East, proposed by U.S. Congressmen (Majdī Fikrī and Ashraf Lāshīn, al-Dustūr, Aug. 29, p. 1). The article has no link online. (Daniela De Maria, Intern)
A commission was formed to restore calm in Dahshūr, continues its work to settle the sectarian differences in Dahshūr of l-Giza governorate. At the end of last week Bishrī Yūsuf Nisīm was killed by an unknown in Dahshur. Only in the middle of last year another guy, namely Muhammad Mu’āz, was killed...
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