A commission was formed to restore calm in Dahshūr, continues its work to settle the sectarian differences in Dahshūr of l-Giza governorate. At the end of last week Bishrī Yūsuf Nisīm was killed by an unknown in Dahshur. Only in the middle of last year another guy, namely Muhammad Mu’āz, was killed in the village.
Mu’āz’s father had received an amount of money as a compensation to console him for his son’s death. ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Rahmān, Giza Governor, said after a conference with the commission that the families of both victims will receive the same compensation money for their losses. He added that the commission will continue its work in the village in order to restore calm and love between Muslim and Christian families. Additionally, the commission called for sticking to Egyptian judiciary verdicts, restoring security and whoever was found responsible should be held accountable (Ashraf Lāshīn, al-Dustūr, Apr. 9, p. 2). Read original text in Arabic.