Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
A young Coptic man was shot to death and a second one has been kidnapped in Daljā village in Dāyr Mawās district in southern al-Minya governorate. Supporters of the ousted president looted and ignited Virgin and Bishop Abraham Monastery, which includes three churches. Buildings belonging to the...
Attacks  and Reconciliations Beni Suef Security forces surrounded the village of al-Diyābīyah in Beni Suef governorate yesterday (August 11) after 30 Muslims and Christians were injured, one of whom is in a critical condition. Houses, cars and motorcycles were burnt following disagreements over the...
According to witnesses, the clashes resulted also in the burning of 7 houses, the smashing of a church façade, a mosque minaret, five cars, cafès, shops, and a pharmacy. They spread also to the neighboring village of Rīdā, following the rumor of wounding and deaths of Muslims in the first village,...
According to witnesses, the clashes resulted also in the burning of 7 houses, the smashing of a church façade, a mosque minaret, five cars, cafès, shops, and a pharmacy. They spread also to the neighboring village of Rīdā, following the rumor of wounding and deaths of Muslims in the first village,...
For the second year, Copts of Al-Mīnyā pray in a burned down church For the second year in a row, Copts of Al-Minyā governorate in Upper Egypt conducted Epiphany prayers in Bishop Mūsā Church, which was attacked in 2013 during the pro-Mursī riots. The renovation process is still taking place but...
Thirteen Copts are ready to face candidates from the ruling party and the Muslim Brotherhood in the upcoming Parliamentary Elections - a significant increase in numbers compared to 2005's zero candidates. An unnamed source described it as a natural reaction to the ruling party's stress on the...
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