Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
Dār al-Iftāʾ fatwā secretary, Shaykh Moḥammed Wasām, has stressed the importance of properly clarifying the historical narrations pertaining to the head of Imām Ḥussein, in light of the ongoing debate surrounding its presence in Egypt. 
Lara Gibson participated in the CAWU-Heliopolis University summer school between June 27 and July 6, 2018, and interned with our center between July 8 and October 4, 2018. Lara studied Arabic language and culture at Durham University, UK.
The Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers kicked off today morning in Manama [al-Manāmah], capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Conference is organized by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in cooperation with the Bahrain...
Today, a seminar is to be held at the AUC on Dr. Maī Hawās’s book “The Influence of Islamic Creeds on the Islamic Architecture of Mosques”. The book presents a comparison between the mosques or schools from the Safavid era in Iraq and Iran, and the Bahri / Bahriyya Mamluks [al-Mamālīk al-Baḥariyya...
UNESCO World Heritage List includes seven Egyptian sites, divided into six heritage: The Monastery of Abū Mīnā, Historical [Islamic] Cairo, The Memphite Necropolis, Ancient Thebes, The Monuments of Nubia, and St. Catherine.  
[There is a mistake in the title of the original Arabic article. Should read: "6 Advtantages to..."] Today, President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī inaugurated the Museum of Islamic Art, after its renovation and development following the damage it incurred during the bombing of the Cairo Security...
A renovation project at a mosque in Luxor has uncovered evidence of a Coptic church and rare pharaonic inscriptions from the reign of Ramses II.
The author rejects some Muslims’ interest in trivial matters and calls on them to pay more attention to serious Islamic issues.
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