Displaying 31 - 40 of 55.
The Egyptian Writers' Union, headed by Dr.  ʿAlā ʾ ʿAbd al-Khāliq [Alaa Abd Elkhaleq] mourns, along with the creative and intellectual audience in Egypt and the MENA region, the loss of the great novelist Aḥmad al-Shaykh. Aḥmad al-Shaykh passed away yesterday evening, at the age of 78. In his...
In the building opposite the Road 9 Metro market Mr. Mahmoud Farag’s [Maḥmūd Faraj] family handcraft shop is accessible by a set of stairs.  You won’t know what to expect until you get inside and begin staring, awestruck at the artwork covering his shop.            
A report by Al-Misrīyūn stated that the idea of ​​the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World) dates back to 1869, when French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi designed a miniature of a statue representing a woman with a torch and presented it to Khedive Ismā‘īl Pasha. The statue was...
Egyptian fashion designer Nabīlah Ṣūbḥī presented a new collection of her designs inspired by Egyptian heritage at the festival "Egyptian Story". The festival was organized by the African Women's Club in Cairo and presented by īnās Ḥussām al-Dīn, Egyptian Women's Representative at the African Women...
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ”UNESCO” adopted a resolution that refers to Temple Mount area as Al-Aqsa Mosque / Al-Haram Al Sharif (noble sanctuary) ignoring Jewish ties to its holy religious site In Jerusalem’s Old City. 
Israeli newspapers revealed the discovery of a rare amulet bearing the name of the Egyptian ruler Thutmose III, Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty who reigned from 1479 – 1425 BCE. The amulet was discovered at the Temple Mount Sifting Project located in Jerusalem.
Sotheby's auction house is organizing its most comprehensive series of exhibitions and sales, which deal with the history of Middle Eastern art through five sales ranging from the contemporary to the ancient. These auctions will complement a series of seminars and lectures by leading scholars from...
The seventh iteration of the International Festival of Cultural Diversity, for which Egypt is the honored guest, began today in Paris’ first arrondissement. The festival showcased a number of speakers who highlighted Egypt’s diverse cultural history as well as the works of several contemporary...
The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) filed a report to the Minister of Interior Affairs accusing El-Sawy Culture Wheel of hosting "Satanists" in one of their concerts.
The author Yūsuf Zīdān recently revealed that, after having been translated into Anatolian, his controversial book “‘Azāzīl” has become the second best-selling book in Turkey. He also revealed that his new book “al-Nabatī” is currently the best-selling book in Egypt and that the publishing house...


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