Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no
Subtitle:Jewish Orientalist Shatel "our only aim is to humiliate Islam by stubbing out Islamic doctrine"The secular war waged against Islam by its enemies is becoming fiercer. They have launched this war by stirring up cases that are considered, from the secular view point, a kind of...
The political counselor of President Mubarak will inaugurate the first workshop for Egyptian journalists and media men at Al-Ahram institute. The training course aims to cover current affairs. Chief of the Board and Editor-in Chief of Al-Ahram will supervise the training course.
The motivation, objectives and program of an RNSAW workshop for Egyptian journalists in cooperation with the Al-Ahram Institute for Regional Journalism. The workshop is financed by the Dutch Embassy and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and covers human rights issues, women, Western and Arab media, freedom...
The article discusses three points: the biases and assumptions of the Western media and its thinking about the Arab world, the limits on political and press freedom in Egypt and the style of journalism this produces in Egypt and what the press can do to improve the image of Egypt.
Egyptian journalists in the workshop on Comparing Western and Egyptian perspectives on covering current affairs often wanted to protect the image of Egypt and the Arab world in general.
Media attention for RNSAW work; workshops for Egyptian journalists. Visit to the Holy Family celebration in Mallawi, the late holy tree of Gebel el-Teir, church building in Sawada.


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