Displaying 31 - 34 of 34.
The author discusses the recently completed restoration work at the old Church of St. Paul in his monastery on the Red Sea. It highlights the important Coptic art and iconography that is present in the church.
The author reviews a publication entitled, ‘Treasures of Coptic Art,’ that was released concurrently with the re-opening of the Coptic Museum in Cairo. She highlights factors of the book.
The article discusses a plan to further develop Coptic Studies at Claremont Graduate University, and points to a number of individuals, students and Coptic figures, who both support the program and see the potential for increasing Coptic awareness around the globe.
A review of a showcase of Coptic Iconic art held in Paris. The ’Icones Coptes’ show displayed 52 icons by 17 artists from the Fanūs School of Iconic art.


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