Displaying 151 - 160 of 353.
Last March the administrative court issued a ruling which aroused huge controversy when it decreed that the pope of the Coptic Church could issue remarriage permits to Coptic couples who had obtained divorce rulings from civil courts, but not marriage annulments from the church. The ruling was...
The author, Jamāl Asaad, replies to an article written by Marqus ‘Azīz [Reviewer: no further information given about the article].
History has witnessed Western persecution against Eastern Christians. This review highlights some historical incidents that demonstrate this fact and asserts that the unity of Christians and Muslims in the East is facing foreign danger.
Coptic writer Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá comments on the affirmation of the conviction conference that was held in Fayyūm a few days ago, saying that it aimed at judging the reformists who call for developing the church.
Imīl Amīn mentions the principles for successful Muslim-Christian dialogue.
Al- Maydān publishes the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ resolution no. 2129, dated July 18, 2006, which calls for immediate restoration of the Hanging Church in Old Cairo.
The author continues his series of articles in the Sawt al-Azhar newspaper to reply to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s opinions about Islam in his appearances on the Christian TV channel al- Hayāt. In this article God’s justice and mercy is debated between the two parties.
At the Ibn Khaldoun Research center, Mr. Magdi Khaliel, an emigrant Copt, gave a lecture trying to justify the attempts of some emigrant Copts and even those of some foreign countries to intervene in Egyptian affairs under the pretext of protecting Copts from what they claim is persecution in...
Subtitle:- Some monks in Saint Samuel’s Monastery broke into the room of a fellow monk and took everything.- Did one of the monks say to the bishop "I will tie you up and send you to the pope with my thanks"The case of Monk Gawargius al-Sa’omuli and goings-on at Saint Samuel’s Monastery.
Subtitles:- Alazm: Islam has killed a lot of people on the pretext of dividing them into Muslims and Zimmi.- Dr. Qawadri: "We do not have in Islam the word Zemmi. They are equal citizens, you should not use the word zemmi or Jizia if you do not like them.- Dr. Alazm: Islam is an obstacle in...


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