Displaying 201 - 210 of 353.
Discussion of the Gospel of Judas, and the reasons why Judas betrayed Christ to the Romans.
Discussion of the recently published Gospel of Judas.
The author warns of storms on the horizon concerning the forthcoming film of ’The Da Vinci Code’, the Gospel of Judas, and the issue of divorce in Christianity.
The recently discovered Gospel of Judas has caused heated controversy in Christian circles. Despite having been rejected by the church, the Coptic manuscript is considered to be of considerable scientific and historical value.
A link to a full review of the controversial film, ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
Sermons from pastors at the Maadi Community Church on ’The Da Vinci Code’ and its attack on Christianity.
Discussion about creationism, including the comments of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the issue.
The French magazine L’Express has published a controversial article entitled "La Bible, le Vrai et le Faux" [The Bible: Truth and Forgery] with a front-page photo of American actor, Charlton Heston, as Moses in the film The Ten Commandments. The author of the article has raised many questions about...
Wajīh Yousuf Fāna opposes Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār’s viewpoint that there is a reference to Islam in the Bible.
In this article, the author explains that wearing a veil is not only a religious obligation for Muslim women, but is also an obligation for Christians and Jews. He lists different evidence from the Torah, gospels and the Qur’ān to prove his point.


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