Displaying 211 - 220 of 353.
A book review of Jamāl al-Bannā’s book, My Coptic Brethren.
Stories of miraculous healings among Copts by contemporary saints has becomes a phenomenon that deserves study. Rose al-Yousuf examines the phenomenon from a neutral perspective to show real reasons for the appearance of such stories.
Saad writes about a new Coptic satellite TV program entitled “Aghapy.” He promotes this program and encourages more people to watch it, learn about it, and support it. He considers it one of the greatest resources for spreading information about the Coptic Orthodox Church, including its activities...
In an interview, Bishop Marqus, the spokesman of Pope Shenouda III discusses the Muslim Brotherhood, the establishment of religious political parties and the church’s attitude to divorce.
‘Imāra states that the Bible is believed by some to be inspired and inerrant, while others are not so sure. He ends on the side of the latter, citing only one claim in one encyclopedia as evidence for his claim.
The writer absolves Dr. Hassan Hanafi, philosophy Professor at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, of allegations against him. Some Christian students had expressed their frustrations at a lecture on "misquotation and falsification of the Bible."
The article gives the opinions of many Lebanese youth concerning Friday and Sunday sermons.
Nabil Hilmi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Zaqaziq, together with a group of emigrant Egyptians in Europe plan to sue “all the Jews of the world” for stealing gold before their exodus from Egypt. They are preparing for payback of this gold with interest.
Anderson, an American Independent Baptist, takes the text of the Torah as absolutely true, the infallible word of God. Archeological findings or lacking archeological findings must be interpreted along that standard.
We asked Dr. Levine to respond to the article in al-Ahram and the comment of Egyptologist Lutfi Sherif. His response focusses on two arguments: Moses is a Hebrew name and the account of the Exodus is right. The arguments show that Dr. Levine and Lutfi Sherif will never agree on these points. For Dr...


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