Displaying 11 - 20 of 41.
There has been peaceful coexistence between religions in Egypt for a long time.
The author writes about an iftār banquet hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood group in which the invited number of public dignitaries could reach 1700.
This press review summarizes responses from a wide variety of persons, including Coptic leaders, clergy, and congregants to the controversial Max Michel, also known as Archbishop Maximus I.
Muslims and Christians in Alexandria called for calm after two days of clashes.
The author wonders who is ruling Egypt and Dr. Mīlād Hana states that neither Jamāl Nazīf, or the Muslim Brotherhood is capable of ruling Egypt.
The article summarizes the opinions of a number of experts concerning the way of fighting extremism and other destructive thoughts in society.
Pamphlets printed in Saudi Arabia appeared hours before the Shamm al- Nasīm feast in Egypt calling for preserving the Islamic identity and prohibiting Muslims from celebrating others’ feasts.
Milād Hannā, a prominent Coptic figure, protests about the condition of the Copts in Egypt.
Pope Shenouda has allegedly threatened to defrock any monk who remarries divorced Copts without permission from the clerical council, since the Coptic Orthodox Church only allows divorce in a few, limited circumstances.
An article about the Muslim Brotherhood’s intent to establish a state that has a religious, and not civil nature, and the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood towards the Copts.


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