Displaying 131 - 140 of 295.
Bishop Mūsá meets the organizers of the conference on ‘Laymen’s View on Church Problems.’
The problems of Copts revealed in the reform conference were not mainly related to the Coptic Orthodox Church; many of the church problems can be attributed to the political and social problems resulted from the duality between the stance of the law and the practices literally applied.
An unresolved crisis now appears to be affecting relations between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the independent Christian newspaper Watanī.
Youssef Sidhum commemorates 48 years of Watanī International, and pledges to maintain their high journalistic standards, integrity and objectiveness.
The author replies to Yāsir Ghubriyāl’s criticism about a conference entitled, ‘Laymen’s View on Church Problems,’ and shows some misunderstandings and the real aim of the conference.
Some intellectuals comment on Christians’ political activities.
Students from various levels of education express their thoughts and impression about their colleagues who have a different religion.
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá responds to an official statement attributed to the National Contribution Society of the Central Committee of Youth Ministry that is affiliated with the Coptic Orthodox Bishopric of Alexandria. The statement attacks the ‘Laymen’s Look at Church’s Problem’ conference that was...
Many Christians are calling for an amendment to the regulations concerning the election of the Coptic Orthodox pope.
Al-Maydān claims the Coptic Orthodox Church isolated Bishop Marqus and assigned Bishop Rūfā’īl in his place. Bishop Marques denies this.


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