Date of source: Tuesday, June 15, 1999
The Discussion of Cultures Convention that was organized by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services became a demonstration of love and tolerance between the Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The Islamic scholars together with the priests agreed that Egypt is now living a period of...
Date of source: Monday, March 22, 1999
A growing Charismatic movement amongst Christian youth, especially amongst the Protestants is compared to Dervishism and Sufism in Islam, and the question is posed: Is there Dervishism in Christianity?
Date of source: Saturday, March 20, 1999
The Pentagono certificates were especially widespread among Protestant Christians, including the Maadi Community Church. Thousands and thousands have participated but the claim in several papers that 300 million US$ was taken out of the country seems to be exaggerated. Was the number inflated to...
Date of source:
The certificates of this lottery have spread among the [Egyptian] Christian youth for a period of several months. It most likely began at some churches, especially the evangelical church, where you can find a big number of high-class youth.
Date of source: Monday, March 1, 1999
Marriage among Christians in Egypt has become a time bomb that may blow up anytime to increase the disputes among Christian churches and create a crisis in the Coptic Orthodox Church. More than 44,000 Copts have obtained divorce decrees, but they are unable to get permissions for a second marriage...
Date of source: Monday, February 22, 1999 to Sunday, February 28, 1999
The article is an attack on the Coptic Orthodox refusal to accept the baptism of the Coptic Catholic and Coptic Evangelical churches in Egypt. However, claims are made that Orthodox priests say are factually not true. Some Orthodox priests were consulted and their comments are found in the...
Date of source: Tuesday, February 2, 1999
After well over 20 years of trials to issue a unified Personal Status Law for all Christian churches in Egypt, the People’s Assembly will discuss a tentative law if it secures the approval of the Ministry of Justice. Although the majority of Christian churches in Egypt approved the draft law, it...
Date of source: Monday, February 1, 1999
After the passage of more than 20 years since the first attempt at issuing a unified Personal Status Law binding all Christian denominations, an agreement has finally been reached in the last couple of days. Rose al-Yūsif obtained the full text of the Personal Status Law for the Copts and describes...
Date of source: Monday, February 1, 1999
The patriotic attitude of the Copts and their desire to save their country is seen in their view on Jerusalem.