Displaying 11 - 20 of 73.
Pope Shenouda refused to respond to Copts who gathered to vye for the reinstallation of a defrocked bishop.
A number of Coptic Orthodox clergymen complained to Pope Shenouda asking for former Bishop Mīt’as to be reinstated. They also revealed what they called Bishop Bīshūy’s fallacies and allegations.
Diana al-Dab‘ reports on Pope Shenouda’s decision to dismiss Father Bimen, priest of the Virgin Mary Church in Cyprus, which has ignited the anger of the Coptic community in Cyprus.
A Coptic laymen’s group called for radical changes in the system and rules of the Coptic Orthodox patriarch elections. The suggestions were severely rejected by the church and a wide range of Copts. Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, purportedly the leader of the laymen’s group, wrote an article explaining his...
Amīn Fahīm analyzes the crises of the Coptic Orthodox Church and attributed its causes to internal and external factors.
The following lines present a summary of an interview with Bishop Paphnotius, author of the controversial book ‘Hatmiyyat al-Nuhūd bi al-‘Amal al-Kanasī’ [The Inevitability of Developing the Church Functions.]. Bishop Baphnotius express his viewpoints from different issues related to the Coptic...
The Coptic Group for Church Reform is the signature that recently appeared in an announcement distributed in churches and on Web sites. The real identity of the group is as of yet unknown, providing an opportunity for rumors to spread. All the group pamphlets are opposed to Bishop Bīshūy.
After five years of imprisonment at Saint Bīshūy Monastery, Bishop Taklā is allegedly suffering from serious health problems. People in Dashnā bishopric in Upper-Egypt expressed their anger at the papal residence in al-‘Abbāsiyyah. They asked to reinstate Bishop Taklā.
Pope Shenouda denied that Bishop Bīshūy accused non-Orthodox denominations of apostasy on a CD and said that the excommunication of Bibāwī was a collective decision issued by the Holy Synod, not by the pope.
Labīb tries to explain what is happening in the Egyptian church by representing the true point of view.


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