Displaying 11 - 20 of 24.
The author criticizes those who reject the defrocking of priests and affirms that a priest who has been proved guilty of committing a sin deserves to be punished.
The article asserts the need for spreading sex education among youths through the church and priests, highlighting the importance of this issue to the success of any marriage.
The article covers an interview with Father Youstus Kamāl, who spoke about the idea and aim of the monthly meetings organized by the Church of St. Mary and the Angel of al-Waraq for people with incurable diseases.
The author reports about the opionions of Christian Coptic girls on getting married to men who are candidates for priesthood. The author explains that a priest’s wife should have special qualifications due to the nature of her husband’s position.
Midhat Bishāy comments on an interview al-Safwa channel had with Secretary of the Holy Synod, Bishop Bīshouy, in which the bishop discussed the issue of Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus.
The idea that priests are chosen by God regardless of their education is still believed amongst Christians. Some bishops refuse to give their recommendations, necessary for the enrollment at the clerical college, unless the applicant signs a statement that he studies theology for knowledge not to...
Mina Badi’a Abdel Malik wrote Watani that most of the priests are now preoccupied with architectural, social or medical projects and are not concentrating on their main duty of caring for their flock. The author explained that when the restoration work started in the Hanging Church, he asked the...
Self-proclaimed archpriest Habil Tawfiq touched off a controversy a couple of weeks ago when he decided to mark the 13th anniversary of the miracles he worked.
A man claims he is a priest, that the pope tried to have him assassinated three times and the church had refused to recognize him. Yet, he carries official papers which identify him as a priest and he says : "I was secretly ordained as a priest because I am blind.
Pope Shenouda defends his decision to give instructions that no one should pray over the body of the deceased priest Ibrahim Abd al-Sayed.


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