Displaying 31 - 40 of 45.
Pope Shenouda’s way of facing the crisis of Al-Nabaa has shown the spirituality of the Coptic church. Facing this storm was fast, wise, calm and objective. The logic in facing the storm has been witnessed by everyone and it has helped all the organizations and communities that made haste to reject...
Worse than the usual lewd literature and pictures, this paper went straight for the Coptic Church, Coptic monasteries, and clerics. Everyone was hurt and shocked at the shameless assault on values and morals. It is a glaring example of poor journalism and of ignoble journalistic ethics.
Both Christians and Muslims ought to be proud of the Coptic history of Egypt and of the unique role of the Coptic Church on both national and spiritual levels. The reason for such pride is that it represents a link in the chain of Egyptian history. The author expressed the opinion that nations do...
The monastery of Saint Macarius, from which Fa’iq Zaka Bolous, the former monk, escaped, responded to his confessions, which were published in Sout Al-Umma. In their reply, they accused him of narcissism, autism and avoidance. They explained the monk’s confessions as a conspiracy to defame the...
The author comments on the story of the former monk and analyzes the different reactions towards it. He responded to the question whether is it possible for a person who chose the life of monasticism to return back to the world and whether his return was considered a violation of his dedication.
After he had spent eleven years in one of the Wadi Al-Natroun’s monasteries, an Egyptian monk, Fa’iq Zakka Bolous, left the monastery with lots of memories about the monks and the fathers he lived with... But unfortunately all his memories were bad. Maybe all the horrors he saw have a role to play...
A former monk recounts his experience with the life of monasticism. After spending eleven years in the monastery, he left it with a deep wound in his heart and endless doubts in his mind. Before becoming a monk he was a very religious person longing for a permanent relationship with God. He...
One third of the books in the library of the monastery of Dominicans is about the Arabic and Islamic world. The supervisor of the library, pointed out that the interest in Islamic affairs dates back to the 1940s. The children of the Dominican church believe that everything has some truth in it...
The world of faith and believers is a very special world, a very beautiful one. The world of monasticism and the world of monasteries are two magnificent worlds. Their inhabitants have left the world turning their backs to it for the sake of God Almighty...
In response to the recent media coverage of dissenting Coptic Orthodox priests and monks, Bishop Mina says: "The one who may offend the head of the church, that is Pope Shenouda, is not only offending the Orthodox Coptic people, he is offending Christ as he is the head of the church."


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