Displaying 1 - 10 of 41.
The Coptic Orthodox Church categorically rejected a statement circulating on social media purportedly issued by Pope Tawāḍrūs II on monasticism and monasteries. 
In the presence of 120 nuns and Muslim female preachers from across all of Egypt’s governorates, Dr. Māyā Mursī, president of the National Council for Women (NCW), introduced a training program called “Ambassadors of Love and Peace” that the NCW organized. The program aims to develop an action plan...
The Coptic Orthodox Church is celebrating the documentary The Path of the Holy Family in Egypt as well as the publication of a book of the same name.  Both were creations of the St. George Monastery for Nuns in Old Cairo.
Efforts by the Coptic Orthodox Church to bring to life the path of the Holy Family have persisted in coordination with the relevant state authorities.  The path is considered among the most well known and most important tourist attractions.
The Coptic Orthodox Church continues to ordain new monks and nuns in different Coptic monasteries.  The most recent ordination was of 17 nuns among the students from the Monastery of Prince Tāwadrūs the Levantine and the Monastery of the Archangel Michael [Mīkhāʾīl] in Qāmūlā, western Luxor.
The bishops and monasteries announced the final cancellation of all activities and masses and receiving visitors starting from today for 15 days, following the meeting of the Holy Synod today.
Churches have settled on a group of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus among churchgoers whenever they return for religious services.  This is in addition to a forthcoming decision by the Egyptian Cabinet about reopening houses of worship in mid-June.  Measures...
Lawyer Najīb Jibrāʾīl, president of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights organization, submitted a complaint to chancellor Ḥamāda al-Ṣāwī, the public prosecutor, accusing youths of making fun of Christianity by dressing up as monks and dancing and doing acrobatics in the monastic garbs. 
It’s been one year since the Holy Synod Monastic Affairs Committee issued its 12 revolutionary decrees on regulating monastic life against the backdrop of the murder of Bishop Epiphaniyūs, Abbot of the Saint Macarius [Makāriyyūs] Monastery in Wādī al-Naṭrūn. The decrees were announced following a...
Kamāl Zākhir, a Coptic thinker and activist, sees the developments surrounding the monastic life today as needing to be placed within their proper historical context.  “We are facing a general stage that is not limited to monasticism alone where the digital revolution was able to surpass all...


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