Displaying 11 - 19 of 19.
Coptic music becomes more and more known outside Egypt. Coptic music groups are frequently invited to sing outside Egypt.
Dr. Ragheb Moftah beliefs that Coptic music has its origins in pharaonic music but others have serious doubts about this and say this cannot be proved because ancient pharaonic music was not written down. Dr. Moftah wants to preserve the old church music while others call for renewal.
The Danish scholar and music historian Dr. Ilona Robos will start next month an artistic and cultural trip to the region and will conduct research on Coptic music.
Letter from Ms. Laurence Moftah, Coordinator of Reference Services, American University in Cairo Library, pointing out a couple of errors in the RNSAW edition of February 11-18, 1999, and our reply.
In December 1998 The American University in Cairo published a book in Cairo entitled, The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St. Basil with Complete Musical Transcription".
The article is a half-page interview with Farid Fadel, an Evangelical Christian singer, composer, painter and medical doctor.
It has been a century since his birth, and he has devoted the better part of these 100 years to a scrupulous, monumental task; the publication, for the first time in history, of the musical notation, accompanied by verbal transcription, of the Liturgy of St Basil.
A book review of "The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St. Basil", compiled by Ragab Moftah, music transcribed by Margit Toth and text edited by Martha Roy, AUC Press, 1998, LE 150.
An announcement of a lecture of Pope Shenouda on church music in Egypt at the American University of Cairo which was not held.


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