Displaying 21 - 30 of 38.
The author, a high ranking Coptic Orthodox priest in Egypt, answers some points raised by emigrated Copts (mainly in the USA) alleging the persecution of the Christian minority in Egypt.
The author answers some points raised by emigrated Copts (mainly in the USA) alleging the persecution of the Christian minority in Egypt.
A prominent emigrated Copt asks 10 questions regarding the treatment of Christians in Egypt.
Pope Shenouda commented that the problem of the Coptic Waqf is beginning to diminish after the church had regained its authority over 756 feddans from the Islamic Waqf System. Concerning the problems facing Copts in Egypt, he declared his rejection of any foreign interference in Egyptian domestic...
Pope Shenouda expressed the Coptic Church’s thanks to President Hosni Mubarak for intervening to return the Coptic properties to the church. The Pope fiercely criticized foreign attempts to intervene in Egypt’s internal affairs under the guise of protecting the rights of the Copts.
Yesterday, Pope Shenouda held a press conference in which he praised the efforts of the government for taking care of the rights of its citizens. This happened after the Church regained its authority over the lands that were taken from it by force.
The Egyptian American Council has already prepared to welcome President Mubarak heartily. They publish a newspaper called ’The truth’ that has taken a mild stand in presenting Copts’ problems. The editor-in-chief said that they declared that they only represented themselves and they really try hard...
Today morning, Pope Shenouda announces that the Coptic Waqf system has regained back all the lands that had been taken from it by force. This problem was solved with the help of the Islamic Waqf Ministry [the ministry entrusted with government supervision of estates in mortmain].
The Ministry of Waqfs (Religious Endowments) has recently handed over 14 more feddans [a feddan is an area approximately equal to an acre] of land to the Coptic Church. This takes to around 680 feddans the total number of feddans of land endowments delivered back to the church to the Church since...
Why don’t both the Pope and Sheikh Al-Azhar write a joint book on the combined issues of heavenly religions? Issues of tolerance, mutual love, discarding violence, religious freedoms etcetera, because this book would help in paving the road of mutual love and brotherhood between the children of the...


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