Displaying 11 - 20 of 48.
The article discusses the passing of Father Antonious Henein, highlighting his achievements in his personal life and the contributions he made to furthering the Coptic Orthodox Church, both in Egypt, and in North America.
Dr. George Habīb Bibāwī discusses the history of the Coptic Orthodox Church before the time of Pope Shenouda III.
Many Christians are calling for an amendment to the regulations concerning the election of the Coptic Orthodox pope.
Copts recently celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary of Pope Shenouda’s consecration as patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
Echoes on the conference of ‘Laymen and the Church’ are still eminent in Egyptian media. The review discusses the crisis of Watanī with the church over the participation of the former in covering the conference’s sessions.
A history of Watani and its relationship with the church following a controversial article printed in the newspaper considered offensive by the Coptic Church.
This article indicates that the Patriarchal Election Statutes of 1928 violate the church’s traditions.
The Institut Du Monde Arabe (IMA), in Paris, France, is presently holding a major art exhibit showcasing famous religious works of art, both Christian and Islamic.
This press review deals with criticisms made by a number of Coptic intellectuals against Archbishop Bīshūy, whom Christians term "the iron archbishop." His strict ways have resulted in the defrocking of many priests and 50,000 Christians leaving their Orthodox beliefs.
Reflections on the life of Bishop Samuel on the 25th anniversary of his death.


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