Displaying 141 - 150 of 376.
Muslims celebrated alongside Christians at Coptic masses in churches nationwide on Thursday night, as extra security measures were taken after the New Year's attack on a church in Alexandria. Pope Shenouda led mass at St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, which witnessed the presence of Muslim statesmen...
  This year's Coptic Christmas holiday comes exactly one year after a shooting outside a church in Naj‘ Hammādī and less than a week since a tragic church bombing left 23 dead in Alexandria. In light of these threats, AWR's Jayson Casper tells the story of how Coptic Christians celebrated the...
The tragic attack on the Church of the Two Saints, Saint Mark and Pope Peter, in Alexandria has caused a drop in the sales of new clothes, food, and sweets--traditional items used by Copts to celebrate Christmas. Many Coptic families cancelled their celebration plans after the attack in solidarity...
  Following the atrocity in Alexandria, many Christians have responded with angry demonstrations and violence. Though an understandable reaction, AWR's Jayson Casper proposes an idea for Christmas Eve that can unite Christians with the very security forces they are rallying against…  
Tāhā Rāshid, a Muslim musician, has composed a hymn for Christmas entitled, ‘Īd al-Mīlād. Rāshid says the song is meant as a thank-you gift for his Christian friends. Rāshid was raised in a Catholic school in Alexandria and developed his composing talents through his upbringing in Christian schools...
  Jayson Casper considers the attack in Alexandria and the resulting sectarian demonstrations which arose in its wake. He explores some of the contextual issues and finds hope in an interfaith effort promoted by a dialogue group in the city. Even so, efforts to find meaning in the tragedy must go...
  AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman says that the government, Muslims, and Christians need to work together to address the growing sectarian tension in Egypt in order to prevent future attacks, such as the the New Year's Day bombing of a Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, which left 21 dead and...
‘Imād Tūmās reviews a book entitled Introduction to Coptic Folklore, which argues that ancient Egyptian roots can be found throughout most Coptic celebrations, feasts, hymns, and rituals. For instance, the commemoration of birthdays of the saints (called Mawlids) comes from a ritual that stretches...
The Coptic Orthodox has begun sending Christmas mass invitations, personally signed by Pope Shenouda III. Pope Shenouda announced that he will soon return to Ohio for a doctor-recommended health checkup. He is expected to return to preside over the Christmas mass and give his usual sermon. Church...


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