Displaying 191 - 200 of 376.
Father Marqus Aziz Khalil congradulates the Egyptian people on the occasion of the Day of the Virgin Mary.
Most of the Egyptian papers and magazines devoted full pages to congratulate Christians on Christmas. Christian and Muslim writers believe that January 7 is considered a vivid example of Egyptian national unity.
Not mentioned
The new Coptic year starts on September 11, 2004. The Coptic calendar is based on the Egyptian calendar, which is still used and memorized by Egyptian farmers.
Egyptian newspapers covered the occasion of the Eastern Easter feast celebrated by the Coptic Christian Church. Topics ranged from historical background articles to opinion articles about Easter.
President Hosni Mubarak has issued a decision to the effect that January 7, Christmas in Egypt, is a national holiday for all Egyptians. The decision was highly praised and welcomed.
On the occasion of Christmas, His Beatitude Cardinal Stephanos II, Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt, wrote an article that was published in both al-Ahram and al-Akhbar on "The Christmas of Love." Dr. Laila Takla and Zein al-Abeedin al-Rekabi wrote in al-Ahram and Asharq Al-Awsat...
List of articles on Christmas. The articles touch upon the spiritual connotations and values of the birth of Jesus Christ and praise the decision of President Mubarak in establishing January 7 as a national holiday for Muslims and Christians.
Much greater concern than usual has been paid to Christmas in the Egyptian press thanks to President Mubarak?s decision concerning January 7. A list of Christmas articles is given.
List of the articles commenting on President Mubarak?s decision that Coptic Christmas day is a national holiday. The decision is highly praised and welcomed.


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